Metcheley Fevrius

Metcheley Fevrius
Thomas College Undergrad;

What made you want to the project?:
The things that make me do this is that I had the  game design with professor Ted he told me about the project so I said I will be a great experience for to be part of this project. So I decided to give it a try and so far I’m love every moment of it.

Where do you see this going?:
I can see this project going to the real world so people can what we have been working on and and try to make it a popular game.

What you want to learn from this project?:
What do we going to do after build this project?are we to make it a worldwide project in the future or keep as it is right now by that I mean just for the people we have work  for.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: 
In 10 years I see myself working had to accomplish my dreams and show people stuff I have accomplish when I was in school.


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