Meeting Notes 1/18

Meeting 1/18/18:

  • Casey- Show the team a clock where the hands move according to the in-game time.
    • Question was brought up on how to incorporate that with a timeline
  • Curriculum Team (Hannah and MacKenzie)- Got a rough draft of the curriculum outline done for the STEAM aspects
    • Next: Working on how to present to the school in a multi-media way
  • Wade- Got an Inventory system done (Question was brought on how to touch feature due the interface said ‘Left Click to Add’ and ‘Right Click to Remove’
    • Next: Interact Scripts and Motion for the characters
    • Wants to start collaborating with Patrick on a directory for keys because Patrick is working on the menu interfaces
  • Meghan- times that work for everyone
    • Next: working on a game document/ matrix
  • Ted- Perloff Meeting (Side Note: Learning professionalism and going into the right mind frame)
    • Next: Titanic Model
  • Metcheley-  Porotype of the boarding pass
    • Next: Digitalizing that
  • Zach- Understanding Timelines; Objectives comparison to the player
    • Next: Level section and Player selects
    • Loading Screens Asset *Needs Assets* (Side note: Learning Cinema Machine)
  • Patrick- Main Menu (Question: how is it suppose look like)
    • Next: Pause Menu and Quite Program to work correctly

  • Blog System:
    • This meant to an archive system and something for other student look at and learning what it takes to make a video game. (As I write this email this still huge; Please post to the blog! And for the people who have been posting,  Thank you. )
  • Discord Channel:  Link to the channel: (Mac users will have the web client and you can use your phone as well)
    • Programmers and I have been meeting on Discord on Fridays at 2PM; Please fill free to join us.
      • Tommy & Metcheley: It would be nice if you could meet with us as well.
      • Multiple Channels: We can create sub channels so that if you need to meet with your team but you don’t want be with the other teams then you can meet on a different channel. Please let me know if you want to do that.
Character Creation:
  • The jiff of this section of the meeting was trying decide on what to do with character and we kind of decide to do in Fuse (Adobe program). The conversation evolve into talking abut NPCs and how to them change shift according to information that we had. So this will consist of jobs being connected to the timeline. But we decide we should now focus the main character and return to this idea later.

End of the meeting.


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